Friday, December 12, 2008

India unplugged

IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

If Rock On, Life in a Metro and Mumbai Meri Jaan were about showcasing contemporary urban India, Shyam Benegal’s Welcome to Sajjanpur does a great job of showcasing the rural face of the Indian coin. Benegal’s portrait of the friendly neighbourhood village of Sajjanpur is as confident and chirpy as the urban folk, albeit in a charming sort of a way. No one gets a shot at histrionics but neither are they called for in this elegant yet punchy script.

Mahadev (Shreyas Talpade) is a literate exception in the largely illiterate Sajjanpur, and while aspiring to be a writer he ekes out an income by writing and reading letters for the villagers. He falls for his childhood crush Kamla (Amrita Rao), when she approaches Mahadev to write to her husband who’s been away in Mumbai for the past four years. Mahadev tries to manipulate the letters to get Kamla to fall for him but the consequences spiral out of hand.

With some sprightly performances (Ila Arun is quite a riot as the superstitious Mausi, Ravi Kishan is adorable as the love struck compounder, and Yashpal Sharma is the right mix of aggression and menace as the politician) the movie does manage to touch a chord. It does not boast of a big setting or a stellar cast, but this is a film with the soul of a street play and full of heart. Go see it and discover Bharat again.

Tareque Laskar

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Intelligence speak: Needed, raw political will

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The Mumbai attack could not have happened without assistance from the locals

Vikram Sood

Former RAW chief

The fidayeen attack on Mumbai is not only one of the biggest terror attacks in Indian history; it is the first of its kind. The terrorists have been misleading the media by claiming to be members of Hyderabad Mujahideen. The fact is that the audacious attack is part of a deep conspiracy against India that I am sure will gradually unravel. We are still to get the total picture.

This terror onslaught is much like the 1993 Mumbai serials blasts to avenge the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992. These latest attacks were extremely well orchestrated and carried out with the help of foreign elements. My own feeling is that even the underworld could be involved. And of course nothing of this scale could have happened without liberal assistance from locals. The underworld must have provided them with the logistical support needed to carry these out. Now, after Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is the turn of India to become the terrorists’ target.

Among the questions that must be answered soon is how the terrorists were at all able to land in Mumbai with their huge arms caches. Also, how did they reach these hotels? Were they or were they not frisked by the security men posted there? An intensive probe is needed to ascertain just how the terrorists managed to sneak in. This is why I say that they were helped and protected by local elements. An attack of this complexity could simply not have been planned in a day. The terrorists must have come to Mumbai and been around for long enough to do a meticulous recce of the areas they targeted. What particularly baffles is why the police so miserably failed to get wind of their movements. There is thus a persistent question mark on the efficiency of the Mumbai police.

A close scrutiny of the terrorist operation will tell you that this was certainly not the result of some momentary emotional impulse. The killers had clearly done their homework well and were both well trained and deeply indoctrinated. It is quite obvious why they targeted Mumbai -- because as India’s financial capital an attack on it would draw the maximum publicity worldwide.

The terrorists’ aim this time was to discourage overseas investments in India. That is why they took on foreigners. What they want is to bleed India financially – to hit us hard. The attack has already send shivers down the English cricket team, as a result of which all tournaments have been cancelled.

The attack has exposed the numerous chinks in the Indian Intelligence armour. For consider: none of our agencies was able to come up with a single clue even after so many people had been killed. And the sad thing is that this is not a one-off incident. Our intelligence agencies almost never wake up in time so that such attacks are pre-empted. They come on the scene after the incidents have already occurred.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Let’s hope, unlike "Tashan", this flick offers more than just Kareena in a bikini…

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Everyone can be a size zero!

Kareena Kapoor’s size zero has raised umpteen eyebrows and people have speculated from juice diets to surgical removal of ribs to have helped her achieve her petite figure. But to clear the air, Kareena is now all set to be a guest writer for a book on how to lose weight by eating right. While this book should help more plain Janes to fit into fashionable size-0 dresses, it would keep Kareena going on with her diet too, and help her look sizzling hot for "Kambakhth Ishq", where she stars opposite Akshay Kumar and is to don a two-piece again. Let’s hope, unlike "Tashan", this flick offers more than just Kareena in a bikini…

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, December 5, 2008

...a Safari like no other

IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

He's the one who pioneered Elephant Back Safaris in Africa. Spriha Srivastava chats up Randall Moore, the ‘Elephant Whisperer’ who, at his Abu Camp in Botswana, offers…

How did you come up with the idea of elephant back safaris?

I started in the 70s. I had started working with elephants by chance. I dropped out of the engineering school and a friend put me in the elephant business with renowned people in America (Morgan Berry). I had then helped off load, from a truck, a 29-year-old Asian female elephant that was being brought back from the zoo to the farm. That was the most amazing day of my life. Slowly I started moving close to elephants and sensed something special going on between the people and animals in that farm. I was offered to join this work and so I went up there and started working there. I learnt to train African elephants. I had taken a break for a couple of years to study but was told that Eloise (Berry's partner) had been killed and a few days later Morgan Berry was killed by one of the Asian elephants, so I went there to carry it further. Then I got the idea of starting something with African elephants... and on discussion with my friend, Peter, the idea of riding elephants came up. So thats how I started 18 years ago in Botswana and at that time didn’t know if it would work, but today, it’s successful.

Is it difficult to reintroduce these trained animals to the wild?

I want animals to get back to their natural herd. I’m glad we have the permission to do that. We have been releasing trained elephants back to wild and it has been done successfully. There is a method to do this and initially it’s problematic but in about a few weeks or a month, we have observed that they readjust in the wild. We have an 18-year-old elephant which is going to be released. It was captured from the wild. There was one elephant which did not want to be ridden after 12 years. So within a year she was released and now she has recently given birth. We have seen the baby being born. We had captured another female who was abandoned and was stuck in mud...she is in the elephant riding program.

Elephant trade remains debatable and it has been stopped in India. Is that imminent elsewhere too?

I have travelled to many places like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Thailand etc. I haven’t been to India, but in most of the places the problem is that people abuse animals. In Africa, now there are many who have emulated my idea of elephant back safaris but don’t train and treat the animal properly. We have the same debate in South Africa. Riding on an elephant is the most adventurous thing. On an elephant back, the experience of sitting tall, watching other animals, from buffalos to lions pass by, is a different experience. Safaris are also a good way to bring people closer to animals and make them develop an attachment for wildlife. It is a very good form of education as well.

What is the unique thing about your Abu Camp?

Elephant back (safari) in Abu Camp is unique because no one else does this in the Okavango delta. It is the world’s largest inland delta. What we do is very eco friendly. Our footprint on that land is minimal. We have the most amazing people around the world who have joined us. You wouldn’t have the Okavango delta anywhere else, which is unique.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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...a Safari like no other

He's the one who pioneered Elephant Back Safaris in Africa. Spriha Srivastava chats up Randall Moore, the ‘Elephant Whisperer’ who, at his Abu Camp in Botswana, offers…

How did you come up with the idea of elephant back safaris?

I started in the 70s. I had started working with elephants by chance. I dropped out of the engineering school and a friend put me in the elephant business with renowned people in America (Morgan Berry). I had then helped off load, from a truck, a 29-year-old Asian female elephant that was being brought back from the zoo to the farm. That was the most amazing day of my life. Slowly I started moving close to elephants and sensed something special going on between the people and animals in that farm. I was offered to join this work and so I went up there and started working there. I learnt to train African elephants. I had taken a break for a couple of years to study but was told that Eloise (Berry's partner) had been killed and a few days later Morgan Berry was killed by one of the Asian elephants, so I went there to carry it further. Then I got the idea of starting something with African elephants... and on discussion with my friend, Peter, the idea of riding elephants came up. So thats how I started 18 years ago in Botswana and at that time didn’t know if it would work, but today, it’s successful.

Is it difficult to reintroduce these trained animals to the wild?

I want animals to get back to their natural herd. I’m glad we have the permission to do that. We have been releasing trained elephants back to wild and it has been done successfully. There is a method to do this and initially it’s problematic but in about a few weeks or a month, we have observed that they readjust in the wild. We have an 18-year-old elephant which is going to be released. It was captured from the wild. There was one elephant which did not want to be ridden after 12 years. So within a year she was released and now she has recently given birth. We have seen the baby being born. We had captured another female who was abandoned and was stuck in mud...she is in the elephant riding program.

Elephant trade remains debatable and it has been stopped in India. Is that imminent elsewhere too?

I have travelled to many places like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Thailand etc. I haven’t been to India, but in most of the places the problem is that people abuse animals. In Africa, now there are many who have emulated my idea of elephant back safaris but don’t train and treat the animal properly. We have the same debate in South Africa. Riding on an elephant is the most adventurous thing. On an elephant back, the experience of sitting tall, watching other animals, from buffalos to lions pass by, is a different experience. Safaris are also a good way to bring people closer to animals and make them develop an attachment for wildlife. It is a very good form of education as well.

What is the unique thing about your Abu Camp?

Elephant back (safari) in Abu Camp is unique because no one else does this in the Okavango delta. It is the world’s largest inland delta. What we do is very eco friendly. Our footprint on that land is minimal. We have the most amazing people around the world who have joined us. You wouldn’t have the Okavango delta anywhere else, which is unique.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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To catch a Tasmanian tiger!

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Chris Rehberg shares the results of his quest for the elusive Thylacine...

Wildlife biologist Nick Mooney once said that something like gold-fever overcomes people infatuated with the Tasmanian tiger. I think I know first-hand what he was talking about! The Tasmanian tiger (or thylacine) was Australia's largest carnivorous marsupial. It looked like a wolf, had stripes like a zebra, and like a kangaroo, carried its young in a pouch. Sadly, it would seem that its only trace we have left are a few silent black and white films, photos, artworks, stories and museum specimens. The Tasmanian tiger has entered the realm of folklore and myth. Or has it?

Several times in my childhood, I'd be fixated with the prospect that the thylacine might live on in the wilderness of Tasmania. What could seem more reasonable? The island state is one third protected in national parks and world heritage areas – surely ample room for a few hundred dog-sized animals to seek refuge? After all, there are tens of thousands of Tasmanian devils in that state, yet you'll be lucky if you see one while driving around. Living in Sydney (and not Tasmania) makes it awfully hard to search for thylacines, so I turned my efforts to the area most accessible: research.

Trawling through books and websites, chat forums, community groups and museums, I began searching for any evidence that the thylacine might be alive today. Although hundreds of Tasmanian sightings have been reported since its accepted extinction in 1936, what was more surprising was that this number was just about matched by mainland sightings. In 2004, the Western Australian government released a report providing data derived from some 203 alleged sightings in that state. A thylacine mummy discovered there in 1966 was initially assumed to be only a few years old based on its pristine condition. Carbon dating eventually put it at 4,600–4,700 years. Then there was the theory that the dating was tarnished by groundwater, which had soaked through the carcass.

In South Australia, in the late 1960s, there were a spate of sightings as farming land was opened up in the south-east of that state. Then, in 1973, some of the most intriguing film footage was captured of an animal running through a camp-ground with a gait that can only be described as inelegant. If only there were film footage from the 1930s of a running thylacine to make a comparison!

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The crusader who schoots to save

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Three time Green Oscar winner Mike Pandey talks about how his labour of love managed to save the day for the biggest fish in the world.

When you are in love with nature or interested in unfolding the mysteries of the intriguing wild, then it’s like discovering a friend or a companion about whom you want to know everything. Many films had been made on tigers and elephants, that's why I wanted to do one on marine creatures. And for that, whale sharks were one of the things that came to my mind. Whale sharks have been a part of my memory since I was nine years old. My brother and I were coming from East Africa and we had seen them swimming alongside our ship. The amazing sight of this mammoth creature taking slight dips remained in my head. And thinking about a film on oceans, whale sharks came to my mind.

Making of the f ilm

When we started making the film, I was told by many scientists that India doesn’t have any history of whales so what will you shoot? It took us three years to locate whale sharks and about two and half years to make the film. There were four other crew along with me... braving the turbulent seas without life jacket in May and June, during monsoon. We all had this passion and courage to save this creature. And the film we made is hailed to as modern day discovery which has made India popular for whale sharks sightings, whereas earlier it was popular only in Australia.

When we first had a talk with fishermen who killed whale sharks, they said that they remove the liver and throw away the fish. And the fish is not eaten at all. So the huge fish was killed only for the liver. This was earlier. Then people started offering them money for the carcass and it was given away for one rupee. And now the fins alone cost 600 dollars because the soup is a delicacy. Through the film, I could establish without a doubt that we were slaughtering 100-200 whale sharks in 6-8 weeks and selling the meat at One rupee per kilo which was then exported by fish mafia. The film was instrumental in bringing this marine species in Wildlife Protection Act for the first time. In a UN citation it was mentioned that it was this film that was instrumental in saving this species from extinction. This film also got me the Green Oscar and Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation award, which showed that it had touched people’s mind and heart. So our purpose was achieved. Our aim was conservation and generating awareness. It was a catalyst at a global platform and got global protection for the species.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Homeless Bandits

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Primatologist, Iqbal Malik explains why urban India is overrun by simian hordes

The reason for the whole issue of monkey menace is existence of monkeys in the urban areas instead of being in their wild habitats. Firstly the rhesus macaque is more aggressive than the bonnets and the langurs, and secondly, they live in north India where Hanuman is predominantly worshiped, so feeding the monkeys becomes a huge problem. Monkeys are wild animals and hence belong in the wild only. In the cities they can harm humans and their attacks may get pretty savage as well. The monkey menace issue is being handled by municipal authorities as of now, but since 1989 the government kept calling me for meetings and for talks with bureaucrats to solve the monkey menace issue. Sadly, the problem is of multiplicity of thought, both state and central government is involved, MCD and forest departments are involved, that’s why nothing moves. The Municipal Corporation of any area is responsible for urban issues and here monkeys cannot be clubbed with cows and dogs because they are wild animals and should be taken care of by forest departments and forest authorities. Appointing MCD to catch monkeys makes no one accountable. Apart from this, Langurs being used to curb the monkey menace is the most absurd thing the government could have done. Langurs have worsened the situation because the monkeys which earlier were confined in some parts of Delhi have now spread to the entire city. Considering some very vicious and predatory attacks perpetrated by the simians culling is what comes to mind if nothing else is effective. But again in a country like ours, where the monkey has a cultural history and when we know that people might have strong reactions towards this, sterilisation seems like the answer instead.

But ultimately, we should also realize that monkeys should not be in cities in the first place, and it is us who should work on relocating these animals in their own habitats, as we are the reason for why these monkeys are not in their homes.

Kanika Dhupar

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Eden Reborn

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How a team of dedicated biologists managed to recreate a lost paradise

Driving around the city’s streets the other day, I was doing what the average Delhite does – cribbing about the roads and the traffic. But something suddenly changed my line of thought. Looking out of the car window, I was taken aback by the lush greens that stretched along the road, the kind that I haven’t quite seen in Delhi, let alone other metros. It beckoned me. Slowing down, I noticed an entrance to this too-green-to-be-real place. Turning to enter this wonderland of endless greens, almost without realising, I could spot butterflies and sparrows and dragonflies and fruit-laden trees all around, for once taking me back to my days as a child.

So there I was at the Yamuna Biodiversity Park, "An artificially recreated wetland to introduce the natural flora and fauna sans the use of pesticides or any other form of medicinal treatment", said Faiyaz Khudsar, Wildlife Biologist, who has a team of researchers and scientists at the park. “This park has been established to reintroduce the native plant species of the Yamuna river basin which have been lost due to construction. The objective of the project is also to create a reservoir for ground water oxygen, and finally to create a functional wetland system, not just an area with stagnant water", added Mr Khudsar. This place, by the way, also has a recreated stream flowing through it, and which forms a small lake in one corner of the 457 acres of land the Park holds. The recreated stream has fish in abundance and birds such as the teals, coots and greater cormorants and lesser cormorants have made this place home.

With construction taking place to accommodate the rising number of people and consequently plummeting water tables, a place like this is just what this city needs to bring back species, both plant and animal, that have called Delhi home long before you and I did.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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The Law and the Jungle

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Sudhir Mishra, Leading Environmental Lawyer

In the last 10 years of my association with wildlife cases, I have seen moments of absolute joy, and at the same time, there were times of total despair. With the dawn of the new millennium, illegal wildlife trade has become truly globalized and as supply no longer depends on local needs, it has increased manifold. But then, in the last few years, some landmark court convictions involving wildlife traders and poachers have also been seen. Just recently the State of Gujarat managed to get an historical conviction against poachers who had travelled all the way from Madhya Pradesh to kill the Asiatic lions and sell their bones in the guise of tiger bones.

This case was unprecedented for Indian wildlife since this was the first case to come to light involving Asiatic lions and for the first time such a large group of poachers have been convicted together. India has a stringent legal framework to curb illegal wildlife trade but even with the Prime Minster being the head of the apex body for wildlife conservation there is an absence of political will to enforce the laws aggressively. Invariably in most of the states there are no proactive enforcement strategies on the part of forest and police departments. There have been very few convictions, especially for tiger poaching, despite an increase in seizures in recent years. In this context, the Gujarat conviction, where the trial was wrapped up in a year and a half is highly motivating. The conservation efforts also suffer setbacks due to the approach of some NGOs who invariably speak in different voices and for competing purposes, and are generally isolated in their methods. The court prosecution and appropriate sentencing are going to be critical factors for discouraging wildlife crimes. We need to provide the magistrates dealing with wildlife cases training about the wider environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts. If the conservation community, government and the stake holders at the ground zero work together then the fight to conserve wildlife will get a defining moment.

Amarpal Malhi

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

There's more to wetlands than just water. K S Gopi Sundar, Research Associate (India), International Crane Foundation, tells us why we need to preserv

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Swan song of the marshes

Wildlife use

The most famous denizens of wetlands are migratory birds. Millions of birds take off from frozen areas each winter from northern countries like Russia to reach warmer countries like India. These migratory species fly long distances each year, are able to find the exact wetland each winter, and sometimes fly around in very large flocks. These traits have made them hard to miss and have given rise to folklore and poetry, and the birds are represented in art and literature making them an integral part of human life. In excess of 100 species can be seen in and around wetland during winters. This has given rise to the burgeoning hobby of bird-watching that is reputed to accrue millions of dollars each year due to investments in equipment and travel. India is very fortunate to have over 300 species of birds that use wetlands regularly, and eco-tourism with bird-watching as the primary focus is now an established and growing industry.

Wetland functions

Ecologically speaking, wetlands provide valuable benefits. Perhaps the most striking of these is their ability to regulate water flows by acting as sponges. This ability allows the recharge of ground water, as also buffering post-monsoonal effects such as flooding. Both of these serve to regulate normal human life as we know it today! Some wetland plants possess unique qualities such as being able to store heavy metals and other pollutants and are also used in several countries to clean water discharged by industries.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Lights, camera, holiday!

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After holidaying in New Zealand with his wife Manyata, Sanjay returned to the country and soon after set off for Kashmir! Life is one big holiday for some people, ain't it? Although Sanju baba is visiting Kashmir to shoot for Rahul Dholakia's Lamhaa, looking at the impressive safety bandobast made, Mrs Dutt also might join her husband at this romantic paradise for their anniversary. Keeping in mind Dutt's popularity in J&K and his controversial past record, Sanjay has been given the heaviest security cover ever provided to any Indian actor!

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Roger Moore, who played James Bond in more films than any other actor, reflects on the good ol' days…

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My Long-Lasting Bond With 007

"The Spy Who Loved Me" wasn't an obvious candidate for a catchy song either, but Carol Bayer Sager incorporated it into the lyric of the powerful "Nobody Does It Better." Marvin Hamlisch composed the music, and the song became a huge hit for Carly Simon. This was the first time a theme title was different from the film title. It all worked brilliantly and really summed up my portrayal of 007, though I'm far too modest to suggest nobody did it better.

With Bond being blasted into space for the next film, "Moonraker," it was felt a more soulful sound was needed. John Barry delivered. Together with Hal David, he developed a song for Johnny Mathis to sing. When Mathis suddenly became unavailable to record, Shirley Bassey was brought in as a last-minute replacement, making her the only artist to ever belt out three Bond numbers. She had already recorded the title songs for "Goldfinger" and "Diamonds are Forever," films starring Sean Connery.

Ironically, though "Moonraker" was criticized for being a little too "out of this world," it was the most financially successful Bond film for two decades. But the powers that be determined that Bond should play it a little more serious in "For Your Eyes Only," my fifth outing as 007. Music and lyrics were supplied by Bill Conti and Michael Leeson, with young Scottish sensation Sheena Easton chosen to perform the song in the title sequence, the first time a singer appeared on screen. In one of my TV interviews for that movie, I was asked the perennial question: "Will you do another Bond film?"

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
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