Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Intelligence speak: Needed, raw political will

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The Mumbai attack could not have happened without assistance from the locals

Vikram Sood

Former RAW chief

The fidayeen attack on Mumbai is not only one of the biggest terror attacks in Indian history; it is the first of its kind. The terrorists have been misleading the media by claiming to be members of Hyderabad Mujahideen. The fact is that the audacious attack is part of a deep conspiracy against India that I am sure will gradually unravel. We are still to get the total picture.

This terror onslaught is much like the 1993 Mumbai serials blasts to avenge the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992. These latest attacks were extremely well orchestrated and carried out with the help of foreign elements. My own feeling is that even the underworld could be involved. And of course nothing of this scale could have happened without liberal assistance from locals. The underworld must have provided them with the logistical support needed to carry these out. Now, after Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is the turn of India to become the terrorists’ target.

Among the questions that must be answered soon is how the terrorists were at all able to land in Mumbai with their huge arms caches. Also, how did they reach these hotels? Were they or were they not frisked by the security men posted there? An intensive probe is needed to ascertain just how the terrorists managed to sneak in. This is why I say that they were helped and protected by local elements. An attack of this complexity could simply not have been planned in a day. The terrorists must have come to Mumbai and been around for long enough to do a meticulous recce of the areas they targeted. What particularly baffles is why the police so miserably failed to get wind of their movements. There is thus a persistent question mark on the efficiency of the Mumbai police.

A close scrutiny of the terrorist operation will tell you that this was certainly not the result of some momentary emotional impulse. The killers had clearly done their homework well and were both well trained and deeply indoctrinated. It is quite obvious why they targeted Mumbai -- because as India’s financial capital an attack on it would draw the maximum publicity worldwide.

The terrorists’ aim this time was to discourage overseas investments in India. That is why they took on foreigners. What they want is to bleed India financially – to hit us hard. The attack has already send shivers down the English cricket team, as a result of which all tournaments have been cancelled.

The attack has exposed the numerous chinks in the Indian Intelligence armour. For consider: none of our agencies was able to come up with a single clue even after so many people had been killed. And the sad thing is that this is not a one-off incident. Our intelligence agencies almost never wake up in time so that such attacks are pre-empted. They come on the scene after the incidents have already occurred.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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