Thursday, December 4, 2008

The crusader who schoots to save

IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

Three time Green Oscar winner Mike Pandey talks about how his labour of love managed to save the day for the biggest fish in the world.

When you are in love with nature or interested in unfolding the mysteries of the intriguing wild, then it’s like discovering a friend or a companion about whom you want to know everything. Many films had been made on tigers and elephants, that's why I wanted to do one on marine creatures. And for that, whale sharks were one of the things that came to my mind. Whale sharks have been a part of my memory since I was nine years old. My brother and I were coming from East Africa and we had seen them swimming alongside our ship. The amazing sight of this mammoth creature taking slight dips remained in my head. And thinking about a film on oceans, whale sharks came to my mind.

Making of the f ilm

When we started making the film, I was told by many scientists that India doesn’t have any history of whales so what will you shoot? It took us three years to locate whale sharks and about two and half years to make the film. There were four other crew along with me... braving the turbulent seas without life jacket in May and June, during monsoon. We all had this passion and courage to save this creature. And the film we made is hailed to as modern day discovery which has made India popular for whale sharks sightings, whereas earlier it was popular only in Australia.

When we first had a talk with fishermen who killed whale sharks, they said that they remove the liver and throw away the fish. And the fish is not eaten at all. So the huge fish was killed only for the liver. This was earlier. Then people started offering them money for the carcass and it was given away for one rupee. And now the fins alone cost 600 dollars because the soup is a delicacy. Through the film, I could establish without a doubt that we were slaughtering 100-200 whale sharks in 6-8 weeks and selling the meat at One rupee per kilo which was then exported by fish mafia. The film was instrumental in bringing this marine species in Wildlife Protection Act for the first time. In a UN citation it was mentioned that it was this film that was instrumental in saving this species from extinction. This film also got me the Green Oscar and Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation award, which showed that it had touched people’s mind and heart. So our purpose was achieved. Our aim was conservation and generating awareness. It was a catalyst at a global platform and got global protection for the species.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
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The Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM)
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