Saturday, September 20, 2008

An independent MLA’s ascent to CM’s post was a record, he has set another by sustaining it for one year

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PROFILE: MADHU KODA The only controversy (if it can be called that) concerning Koda was elopement of his wife Geeta Biruli with his personal assistant, an engineer, only four months after their marriage. But, Koda managed to woo her back with same persistence with which he pursued MLAs of coalition parties. Koda threw a lavish bash (called bahu bhat in local parlance) to celebrate their reunion.

There were some doubts over his continuance, after JMM chief Shibu Soren was released from Dumka jail last month. But, Koda put all speculations at rest by telling B&E with practicised ease, “I am heading a UPA government with blessings of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, RJD chief Laloo Prasad Yadav and of course JMM President Shibu Soren. If I have to be replaced, it has to be done with concurrence of all of them.” His father wanted to him to be a police officer. But, he ventured into social service and politics. During his stint with the RSS & the BJP, he remained a simpleton, wearing khadi. Once, he switched his loyalties, he changed his lifestyle as well. Now, he flies in government aircrafts and choppers, shops in Gurgaon malls & sports branded clothes & accessories.

He got an entry in Limca Book of Records last year by becoming Chief Minister as an independent MLA. He set another record this year by completing one year in office. He has now set his eyes on completing his term. For many in his position, staying another three years in office, may be a long haul. But, certainly, not for Koda. He is a maverick and a fighter politician.


l Birth: January 6, 1971, at Gua, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
l Education: B.A. (History) Utkal University, Orissa
l Joined Politics: 1994, Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha
l MLA: 2000 from Jagannathpur on BJP ticket
l Minister: 2000 in Arjun Munda Government
l Chief Minister, Jharkhand: September 2006

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, September 19, 2008

The Indian economy is a net loser due to rupee appreciation. B&E analyses the way out...

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The key beneficiaries from the rupee appreciation will be the importers;

the global markets and are largely domesticWe have already seen IT companies losing in this streak of rupee appreciation. Only TCS saw its EBIDTA margins stable at 22.7% for the quarter ending June 2007; Satyam could arrest the fall at 22.4%, down 64 bps. Wipro’s margins were down 199 bps at 19.4%. Infosys’ margins were at 28.7%, down 300 bps. No wonder why rupee appreciation has made it to the list of challenges that NASSCOM (according to the latest Indian IT Software & Services Revenues release) considers facing the Indian IT companies. Apart from IT, pharmaceutical, gems & jewellery and auto component sectors are also a part of the unhappy lot fearing a squeeze in margins because of this rupee appreciation.

But, as they say, one man’s plight is other man’s blessing. The key beneficiaries from the rupee appreciation will be the importers; particularly companies from energy dependent sectors are likely to benefit in a significant manner (energy, paints and few textile majors). Companies that source raw materials from the global markets and are largely domestic demand driven, could also potentially experience margin improvements. Besides companies, rupee appreciation is also a positive for the government’s finances and the capital goods sector.

Moving a step further, the firms that relied much on dollar borrowings are breathing a sigh of relief, as interest expenditure on such dollar borrowings in rupee terms has reduced (the same applies for the government, when it takes overseas loans); hence the servicing of overseas debt has become cheaper to a large extent. Companies like HDFC, Bharti-Airtel, Lafarge, Jindal Steel & Power and Jaiprakash Associates et al have significant overseas borrowings.

Even in pharma – where companies like Ranbaxy, Sun Pharma, Lupin & Jubilant Organosys have collectively raised almost $1.1 billion by way of ECB/FCCBs in H1 2007 – the gains are huge. As Malvinder Singh, CEO, Ranbaxy, comments to B&E, “Out of $500 million of foreign debt that we have, close to $440 million is by way of FCCBs & as the rupee appreciates, it will definitely work in our favour.” The April-June 2007 results of Ranbaxy, which surprisingly show forex gains of Rs.2.014 billion, are a clear testimony.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What’s the trouble with the US asset bubble?

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Gen Yers want to change the world with where & howthey work, exuding an op-timism reminiscent of 50s

http://www.businessandeconomy.orgQue: As a baby boomer executive with 30 years of experience, I have encountered many young people entering the business world today. And I am pretty sure they know it all. What is your opinion about Gen Y’s sense of entitlement? –Chris Perkins, Vandalia, Ohio Ans: We just don’t get it. That is, we don’t get why everyone around the globe is so down and out to get Gen Y. What is wrong with everyone on this earth? We think the crop of 20-somethings breaking into the business world right now is about as energised and exciting a group of “kids” as we have ever seen till date. And we have seen them a lot over the past several years – visiting dozens of campuses, teaching in two different MBA programs, consulting for companies that employ thousands of Gen Yers and hiring several enterprising ones onto our own ever-expanding team. Overwhelmingly, we have found the Gen Yers to be extremely hardworking, entrepreneurial in their outlook, startlingly authentic, refreshingly candid and wonderfully upbeat. Basically, not to get all mushy or anything, we simply love the Gen Yers.

Don’t get us wrong. We don’t doubt that you have recently encountered any number of know-it-all young people. They are certainly out there. But they always have been that way, and will continue to remain so. After all, ever since the beginning of, well, higher education, every crop of graduates has contained its share of swaggering bigheads convinced that the grown-ups can go home now. Of course, most of these types end up eating humble pie after a few years, having discovered, after falling down badly, that ruling the world is not as easy as they had originally thought it to be. Surely, some portion of Gen Y is headed for such a dismal fate. But we would emphatically say most of them – indeed, the majority – are headed for blue sky, in careers characterised by commitment and unbounded by convention. Everywhere we go, we meet MBAs who have decided to spurn the corporate world to start their own businesses.

In the class taught by Jack at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, some 20 percent of the students have already launched a business venture. Similarly, during a visit to Stanford Business School in 2005, we met a pair of students out of a central casting call for investment bankers. “So, what firm will you be joining in New York?” we asked them. We were surprised to hear they were launching a chain of upscale barbershops. Now who would have thought that!

Of course, not every Gen Yer we have met in the recent past is hankering to be an entrepreneur, but many still want to change the world with where and how they work, exuding an optimism more reminiscent of the 1950s than any other era in our recent memory. Now, maybe Gen Y’s reputation for entitlement derives from its apparent interest in making money – lots of it, right away. “So what’s wrong in it”, a Gen Yer would say. We have read plenty about such “greed.” But what we have seen is certainly different and worth mentioning here. On virtually every campus we visit, Gen Yers have asked us about corporate ethics and social responsibility. Many have even shown a thoughtful concern about how to strike a meaningful balance between work and life. Some of them have challenged us about the whole notion of winning, asking, “Does success only have to be about money?” When we have said no – that success is about setting personal goals and achieving them – the response has been invariably positive.

Indeed, the same question came up just the other evening at a dinner with a Gen Yer we know who earns a modest salary as an assistant golf pro। “I wake up every morning thrilled about getting to work and helping people,” he told us enthusiastically. “That’s what makes me feel successful.” To our minds, his words were uplifting, but not particularly unusual from a person his age. Which all begs the question we started with: Why does a Gen Y get such a bad rap? We would suggest two simple answers.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Along with these players, Videocon has interests in the massive RAVVA oil & gas field in South-East India

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age of exploration

As we were enriching ourselves with information on the consumer electronics division, we certainly could not ignore the importance of the oil & gas division, which, as V. N. Dhoot admits, is another main reason why Videocon has been able to withstand commoditisation of consumer durables sector. When queried by B&E on which sectors Videocon was looking for, V. N. Dhoot’s clear response was electronics and oil & gas. Laying its claims on a portion of India’s oil & gas reserves has proved to be quite beneficial for the company. With a 25% stake in the RAVVA consortium, Videocon has catapulted itself in the elite group of oil companies. Today, Videocon finds itself among names such as Cairn Energy, ONGC, HPCL and Marubeni Corporation! Along with these players, Videocon has interests in the massive RAVVA oil & gas field in South-East India, which annually produces a whopping 18 million barrels of crude oil and 1000 million cubic metres of gas. According to rough estimates, Videocon claims to have access to potential reserves of 250 million barrels with production touching the 50,000 barrel mark daily! The company’s cumulative revenues since inception have been a very promising $1.1 billion.

With such diverse interests, many question the rationality behind Videocon’s logic defying expansion, where most experts advise caution while moving into new areas। For most part of the last decade Videocon was predominantly an electronics company. However, with new found confidence in sectors like power and petroleum, Videocon has made its intentions quite clear. Analysts believe that Videocon’s main strategy after liberalisation is based on high growth potential businesses.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, September 15, 2008

The world’s leading elite haute couture group, from Paris, the epicentre of fashion, identified this sizzling hot opportunity a decade back.

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“The luxury market in India is growing phenomenally well and I want to trap this market in all the segments, be it watches or jewellery।”

To implement such plans, he is bullish with the generation next, who Ravi believes is keen to work hard for a better lifestyle. So in his organisation, he prefers to resort to the zeal of young people, who know what is fanatically fashionable and he encourages those employees who are innovative. Affirms, Ravi, “A true leader doesn’t look for experience; he should be skillful enough to identify the potential of his people. And in a business of fashion like us, my young employee has lots to do. I try to motivate whosoever I see has potential.” He has created a culture in his organisation such that even a 28-year-old girl can take a decision on a project, which has a budget of Rs.150 million. Though Thakran believes vehemently in team work, he also monitors individual contributions with a keen eye.

ues at LVMH, Thakran manages times for his family and maintains a perfect balance between his professional and personal life. His weekends are always booked for his family as he exclaims, “That’s very necessary and even if I cannot give time on a daily basis, I make sure I go for a holiday trip with my family.” This father of two sons likes to visit Tibet in particular and enjoys reading in his spare time. His mantra of success, which he would like to share with the leaders of tomorrow goes thus, “There’s no short cut to reach at the top. It’s hard work that is required and lots of Indians of today’s generation are realising that. I have worked in different cultures and countries and I haven’t come across any such bottlenecks, which cannot be overcome through hard work and intelligence.”

Indeed, Thakran’s passion & business acumen are working wonders for LVMH in India. And what’s next? “The luxury market in India is growing phenomenally well and I want to trap this market in all the segments, be it watches or jewellery.” For this, LVMH plans to have more stores in future and also target Tier 2 cities of India. Reveals Thakran, “We will grow at 100% and we will open 15 more boutiques by 2008.” With the affluent class moving northwards in India, we have little reason to disbelieve Thakran’s optimism to move beyond the big cities. If he says so, he will, for Thakran is known to be a leader who walks the talk. And as we bid him goodbye, Thakran displays the exuberant, enthusiastic side of his personality once more as he asks us a question for a change – “You know what’s my dream?” he smiles and before we even attempt to hazard a guess, he reveals, “to make India the world’s largest luxury market.” Noble intentions indeed! We just cannot help wishing Thakran all the best in his endeavour.

B&E edit bureau: Angshuman Paul

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, September 12, 2008

In this Age of Turbulence, what should be your pick? It needs only to focus on the urgent needs of India’s population.

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Obviously India! If one were to take the words of the maestro himself, India’s rice, wheat and cotton fields yield only fractions of their competitive counterparts in China।

shooting star performance of the Chinese economyAlan Greenspan, undoubtedly the most influential central banker of the past millennium, may have been terribly wrong with his policy of low interest rates that led to exactly the opposite, namely transforming the USA from the biggest creditor into the biggest debtor in less than three decades. While the former Federal Reserve chairman’s track record on financial forecasts may be spotty at best, Greenspan has to be credited with the fact that he was the first economist to recognise the shooting star performance of the Chinese economy. Everybody who acted on his advice has probably made a thick bundle in the past 19 years.

These days, Alan Greenspan has made another bold call: The brainy Indian elephant is set to overtake the smoke belching Chinese dragon, he projects in his recently published memoirs, pointingly titled, “The Age of Turbulence.”

Greenspan credits primarily Prime minister Manmohan Singh in his former role as finance minister for tearing the first holes in the highly state regulated economy that was held back by the “license raj” red tape system, inhibiting progress. He urges more of the same and cites his former deputy at the Federal Reserve, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein: “Cellphone service is widely available in India at low cost because it was regarded as a luxury and therefore left to the market, while electricity is hard to obtain because it has been regarded as a necessity and therefore managed by the government.”

Outlining India’s success in establishing itself as the leading services provider, Greenspan nevertheless reminds the subcontinent that it was always industrial production which brought lasting prosperity. He therefore argues that India will have to encourage rural labourers to integrate into the manufacturing process if they want to break the eternal wheel of poverty.

“For India to become the major player in the international arena that it aspires to be, it will need to build factories that entice a very large part of its agricultural workers to urban enclaves to produce labour-intensive exports, the time-honoured path of the successful Asian tigers and China,” writes Greenspan.

He points his finger at huge productivity gaps in agriculture. India’s rice, wheat and cotton fields yield only fractions of their competitive counterparts in China. His advice that Indian agriculture should be “freed” from government subsidies should be taken with a grain of salt, though. It would actually be more appropriate to direct such words to the USA and the EU who both lavishly shower their farmers with exactly the same in order to keep global competition at bay. But I entirely agree with his conclusion as follows. “Prime Minister Singh is a highly reputable reform-oriented economist, but he does not have the authoritarian clout that enabled Deng Xiaoping (China’s premier) to start China’s agricultural reform in 1978. Indian democracy is up to this task. It needs only to focus on the urgent needs of India’s population. A very large dose of deregulation and competition can spread India’s IT revolution to the rest of the country.”

Toni Straka

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The price of inflation

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Rising prices, rather than nukes threatens the regime

HORIZONSEvery time a Central Bank announces a new monetary policy, analysts launch a furious debate about how anti-inflationary the latest moves are. If interest rates go up, almost everybody seems convinced that the government is deeply worried about rising inflation and “wants to squeeze liquidity away from the financial system”. There is a reason why governments, central banks, economists and analysts appear obsessed with inflation. In the bad old days of monarchy and feudalism, persistent inflation led to insurrections and civil wars. In the first few decades of the 20th century, rampant hyper inflation played a significant role in the emergence of Hitler and fascism as a force to reckon with in Germany. Intolerable levels of inflation that plagued Russia in the 1990s forced local citizens to fondly look back upon the dictatorial days of the Soviet Union with nostalgia; and encouraged Vladimir Putin to consolidate power in his hands as a de facto dictator with tacit approval from fellow citizens.

The simple fact of life is: inflation for the average citizen means a time when prices are rising faster than disposable incomes. People hate it when they have to scrimp and scrounge and pinch pennies to stretch the household budget. In ancient times, people often ended up literally killing and butchering when hate took over. They still do it. But in modern democracies, dislike and hatred usually results in votes and mandates that throw out incumbent governments during elections. Many a President and Prime Minister has seen power slipping away like spring clouds on a balmy afternoon because his/her administration was unable to check and control prices.

That is a fundamental lesson that the likes of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram can ignore at their own peril. The average Indian citizen may not understand the intricacies and contempt of the nuclear deal. But they get the message when the prices of onion, wheat, cooking oil, milk, vegetables, fruits and transportation start going up and hurt their family budgets.

It really doesn’t matter when the Finance Minister and the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India keep claiming success in the battle against inflation by saying that the rate of inflation is below 4%। The citizen and the voter have no patience for jargon and sophistry; nor do they like euphemisms. The best thing that the powers-that-be in the Congress can do at the moment is order statisticians and economists to devise a new index of inflation that reflects the reality of relentlessly rising prices of ‘essential items’. It is only then that they can begin to understand the plight of consumers who will soon become angry voters.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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