Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chick-flick alert!

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TSI Five-O: A wedding you’d rather not be invited to

Yes, “Bride Wars” is a chick-flick. It has its warm fuzzy moments and then some scenes where the two protagonists are at their bitchiest best, with a catfight thrown in for good measure. Two best friends, Emma (Anne Hathaway) and Liv (Kate Hudson), since their childhood days have dreamt of having a perfect June wedding at The Plaza. But when both of them find themselves getting wedded at the same time and the date clashes the two begin to pull mean and wicked tricks on each other and refuse to change the venue of their wedding! The film, like most chick-flicks, is predictable, but there’s just something really shallow about this film. The film is funny in bits, and as it moves towards its obvious climax, one cannot help but notice the laziness of the writers who have all but wasted the potential of the characters. Girl-on-girl action has never been more childish.

Anu Gulmohar

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Ahmadinejad strikes back

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Election results in Iran show that the incumbent president and his conservative friends have retained their hold on the key working class constituency, reports Mohammad Ali Qummi from Tehran

The post–election victory celebrations in Iran of about half-a-million supporters listening to victory speeches at Tehran’s Valiasr Square, the most striking feature was the contrast: more than ten times the number had gathered to listen to freshly re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as compared to what his main rival, Mir Hossein Mousavi, had been able to muster at the same spot a few days ago.

It also has signals of what lies ahead. In what may lead to raising Iran’s existing tensions with the West and Israel, Ahmadinejad’s return as president with a sweeping margin struck a raw nerve with the western establishment. Iran’s interior minister, Sadeq Mahsouli, while announcing the result, said Ahmadinejad won 62.6 per cent of the popular vote, beating his reformist rival Mousavi, who got 33.75 per cent. The national voting percentage stood at a whopping 85 per cent.

The results were received with shock and anger by Mousavi supporters. Thousands of them marched into Tehran to protest. Many pelted stones at baton-wielding police. ‘Down with the dictator’, they shouted as they broke out into the central Valiasr Square, close to the interior ministry. The number swelled after Mousavi declared that he would not give in to the ‘dangerous scenario’ faced by Iran as a result of the strongly contested vote. “Ahmadinejad has indeed won. But the share of the vote has left me perplexed. The opposition in Iran may protest this election as being fraudulent. It at least proves that the nation is in flux,” Alireza Nader of Rand Corporation told TSI.

Several western analysts and think tanks have declared the Iran poll result as fraudulent. “It is easy to see why the western media cottoned on to the “fraudulent election” line in Iran. It is their pre-conceived notion. There is talk of how ‘ballot papers ran out’ and how ‘names of supporters of Mousavi’ were missing. They give reference to “exit-polls”, with the sample size of 4,000, which were done in northern Tehran and which prominently declared Mousavi ahead. Western diplomats and analysts – virtually the only source of information – pointed out how “entire Iran came out in support of Mousavi” after the results were declared.

But there is a catch. Indian readers could well draw up a parallel: when was the last time exit polls in Asia proved right? In a vibrant democracy like India, they have been quite off the mark. Also, unlike other countries in the Middle East, Iran has a huge population of about 70 million. An exit poll with a sample size of 4,000 is at best inadequate.

Also, just as Delhi is not India, Tehran is not Iran. Most of these experts have the list of usual suspects as their sources and it is quite likely that sticking to just a set of people could have resulted in overlooking other aspirations.

Mehran Kamrava, a specialist on Iranian politics at Georgetown University, told TSI: “Most of these journalists from New York Times, CNN and the likes have been talking to people in north Tehran, who tend to vote overwhelmingly against Ahmadinejad.” It is likely that they got it wrong.

Indeed, the tendency has been to get carried away with the largely urban-centric rhetoric which finds its most vocal supporters in Tehran. It may not reflect the mood in other parts.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Amazing, that India, which perfected the caste system and is plagued by Hindu-Muslim blood fests, is telling us we''''re too prejudiced?

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Prime Minister Rudd hurried into Parliament this week to reassure India we weren't racist at all: "Australia is a country of great diversity, harmony and tolerance." Premier John Brumby agreed, and offence at the charge of racism was taken on almost every talk-radio station in the country. Yet who can blame Indians for thinking this worst of us, and treating Rudd's denials as mere spin, when we've spent so much time telling the world we really are steeped in racism, right up to our red necks?

Only last year, Rudd himself announced we'd been so evilly racist that we'd even stolen Aboriginal children by the thousands just because they were black - a false claim cheered in every school despite the inability of "stolen generations" activists to name even 10 such "stolen" children. More nonsense, yet how keen our opinion makers have been to slander us as bigots on evidence just as bogus. So, after accusing ourselves of so much racism with so little reason, why should we now be surprised when Indians agree that - yes, indeed - we're as racist as we've always said? The difference is that this time we stand to lose billions of dollars from our trade in education services to India. Stupidity becomes too stupid to endure when it costs, and the fact is we really aren't so racist at all. Indeed, our problem may in part be the opposite. That so many Indian students are bashed and robbed can be largely explained by the kind of part-time jobs they tend to take, being hard workers - the late shifts in 7-Eleven stores, taxis and petrol stations, for instance.

Imagine how safe these students are when they then go home alone late at night, often walking or taking near-deserted trains back to the tough suburbs where the cheap rents are. How safe would your own children be? But some attacks aren't so easily explained away. Some, you might say, are "racist" in that Indians are famously peaceable - less likely to break the law and less likely to fight back when attacked by those who do. To thieves and thugs, they're soft targets. That said, other attacks, as Victoria Police now belatedly admit, are indeed no-mucking-about racist. But to whose shame are these racists, really?

True, video footage of the pack-attack on Sourabh Sharma on the train shows thugs of various ethnicities, including, it seems, the Anglo kind. But what police and many journalists refuse to confirm or even discuss is what victims and their spokesmen repeatedly say - that many of their attackers are Africans, Islanders and, less often, Asians who are newcomers themselves, beneficiaries of our eagerness to seem kind and tolerant.

Andrew Bolt

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are only aussies to blame?

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Indian students too should mend their ways if they want the attacks to stop, writes Mintu Brar from Brisbane

Attacks on Indian students in Australia are being condemned the world over and rightly so because it is a very serious matter. But no attempt has been made to get the crux of the matter: why are these racial attacks taking place?

Indians have been living in Australia for over a century and never have they been targeted before. What has gone wrong? Could Indian students be responsible for generating this anger? It is important to go into the causes. It is important to remember that behind every incident are mischievous elements who escape while innocents like students Upkar Singh or Sarwan Kumar become targets. Statistics tell us there are 90,000 Indian students in Australia for higher education and that is a sizable presence in a sparsely populated country. The truth is that most Indian students come here not just to study and return, but settle down.

Many students have succeeded in doing so through hard work and dedication. But since visa relaxations have come into place, there is an undesirable, minority element of about 5 per cent Indians who have come here and given a bad name to the remaining 95 per cent. I would like to recount a few incidents that I have been witness to and these will help understand the genesis of the anger of Australians. First is the experience of hooliganism by Indians, in particular Punjabi students, during the ground New Year Eve celebrations at Sydney. These celebrations draw tourists from all over the world. I attended the celebrations and was truly impressed by their immaculate arrangements and grand style. Although fireworks start only at midnight, people had assembled at the Harbour Bridge by 4 in the evening and there was only a narrow path for emergency exit. To my horror a loud noise was followed by a group of my young countrymen pushing their way through the crowds shouting slogans. This was followed by another group of Indians who come in beating drums and Hare Krishna, shoving and muscling their way through the crowd.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Her husband had bought a migrant Kashmiri Pandit's house through a middleman but died before the deal could be sealed.

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Across Kashmir, they operated the same way as militants did. “Each group of 20 to 25 men was controlled by a commander. They shifted bases frequently and planned ambushes against militants. In coordination with the armed forces, they planned combing operations,” Dar says. But their reign is considered to be one of the worst in terms of human rights violations. While they killed militants, civilians and sympathisers were not spared either. In south Kashmir's Anantnag town, the free hand given to counter-insurgents triggered a new wave of militancy.

Aijaz Ahmad Turrey was killed in a precision strike by suspected militants along with an accomplice, Nisar Ahmad Mir, in Janglat Mandi market near his home in Anantnag. Turrey's wife, Rubi, was away in Amritsar for the treatment of her son, Irfan, who had lost his eyesight in an accident. On her return, Rubi learnt her husband had already been laid to rest in the graveyard. “A woman in a burqa (veil) came to their camp with the news that an IED had been planted in the market. The two rushed to the spot where militants shot them dead,” she says. Rubi's journey of grief began from the graveyard itself: there was no one to share her pain.

The taboo of being a renegade’s widow led to instant social boycott. Relatives, except for some close ones, stopped visiting. Feeling the hateful stares of neighbours, she caged herself in her home until another catastrophe struck. Her husband had bought a migrant Kashmiri Pandit's house through a middleman but died before the deal could be sealed. "We could not pay the dues and had to leave the house. For three months, we lived in a shed in my brother's house," says Habla, Aijaz's mother. The women say they sold their jewellery to buy the house they now live in, a brick and cement box with three rooms atop each other. Their story – like those of thousands of other such families – is part of a harsh but hidden reality of today’s Kashmir.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Mindless political opportunism and corruption by all its leaders has taken the state to the brink of disaster, says TSI’s Mahendra Kumar

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Jharkhand: A state in coma!

An unprecedented “MLA bazaar” cropped up. Independent MLAs like Enos Ekka and Harinarayan Rai made so much money that they did not know where to put it, and tribal leaders started visiting beauty parlours to pick up hues commensurate with their new-found, illegitimate wealth!

Arjun Munda’s second tenure lasted 18 months. It was then that several MOUs were signed but not a penny was invested. Transfer of officers became an industry and corruption stormed the state. At that time too, independent MLA Madhu Koda raised the banner of revolt and the United Progressive Alliance at the Centre opportunistically sided with him, toppling Munda. With a non-party person in the saddle, corruption reached its nadir. Koda ruled for 23 months, when again Soren decided it was time for his second coming. After a lot of horse-trading he managed it, finally, but just after four months, he had to relinquish the chair on being defeated in the Tamad by-poll.

All this reflected in the state’s development report card. In fact, today, the scenario is such that there is no trace at all of the Rs 12,000 crore drawn from the exchequer in the name of developmental projects. State officials have taken out Rs 6,000 crore in the name of ‘advance’, for which none, till date, has given any account or returned the monies. At the same time, there were scams in not just food grain distribution, but even in the salt distribution to the impoverished.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Pancham had a penchant for unusual instruments.

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13. Baki kuch bacha to mehengayee

Movie: roti, kapda aur makaan Music: Laxmikant Pyarelal

It was in no way a classic composition but it hit the middle- class where it hurts them the most - inflation. It became a regular fair around the election time since then.

14. Rang barse

Movie: Silsila Music: Shiv hari

A potent mixture of Holi, intoxication and adultery, this song became a rage from the day one. Harivansh Rai's lusty words got voice from his own son.

15. Papi Bichhua

Movie: Madhumati Music: Salil Choudhury

Perhaps one of the best folk rendition in Hindi cinema, the song described the female sexual energy in a metaphor that is still difficult to match.

16. Chura liya hai

Movie: Yaadon Ki baraat Music: RD Burman

Pancham had a penchant for unusual instruments. This time he used glass-tumblers. He gave Rafi a chance after a long gap and he showed why he is considered the best.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Budgetary Sops and a Widows’ Army!

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Rupees two lakh crore in interim budgetary allocation for the rural sector. The game continues… more money for farmers, and more suicides… and a growing army of widows. TSI's satish chapparike trudges across Vidarbha for ground-truthing the trauma

“Farmers are the real heroes of India’s success story.” Thus spake India’s Finance Minister, interim, Pranab Mukherjee, at the interim budget speech on February 16, 2009, adoring the soldiers of India’s farm sector in the Parliament.

In the interim, however, on the same day and roughly the same time, 1,162 km away from the Capital, in the hinterland of Vidarbha, two of his 'real heroes’ huts were immersed in grief. Those huts in Tonglabad and Nandora villages stood as symbols of the agony of India’s agrarian sector, a theatre of the surreal of government largesse that never reaches the poor and policies meant to create an agrarian boom that busts families and only boosts the numbers of farmland suicides.

Kalavati, yes, Kalavati, the Vidarbha farmer’s widow who is leading an ‘army’ of one lakh farmland widows… Kalavati, the emblem of what ails our farmers, the abysmal story of lip service and the kiss of death, relentless, daily, across the country. On February 16, too, as and when Mukherjee was raving 'Jai Kisaan' in the Parliament, two new Kalavatis – freshly widowed – and their children sat helplessly in front of their huts – in two different Vidarbha villages – under the shadows of their beloved ones, now departed!

Earlier, when Mukherjee was busy scripting his speech on February 15, a day before the budget session, Ravindra Balakrishna Jalmaker and Krishna Haribabu Sathe, two of his ‘heroes’ from Vidarbha scripted their last acts. Crop failure, indebtedness, humiliation, distress… and then… a noose hanging from a tree or a bottle of endosulfan.

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It's time to redefine dance, as we know it. Indira Parthasarathy at the Attakkalari Contemporary Dance Festival...

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Thinking on the Feet

Chronotopia, with its multi–racial production crew, was also demonstrative of the Festival as a forum for international collaboration and cultural exchange, ensuring art partook of the fruits of globalisation too. In contrast, sitting in for Quantransitions was a relatively more indigenous experience, albeit no less intriguing. The Rhythmosaic Dance Company quartet from Kolkata led by husband–wife team Ronnie and Mitul, with Amit and Prasanna showcased Quantum Mechanics of a Psychophysical Journey through an elaborate pastiche combining Kathak and western jazz moves. Set to minimalist music – even absent in parts – the audience was inevitably drawn to the kinetics on stage, ranging in tempo from near-stillness to a blur of motion. Physics, for once, had everyone riveted!

After the 30-minute quantransition experience, Jonah Bokaer presented Charade, wherein elaborate acrobatics by him were seen replicated over digital animation on the screen, realised, as a video showed, by attaching sensors to his body. At one point, he solemnly surveyed the audience while munching on an apple, a move he later described as “returning the gaze” trick, as an attempt to exact what is otherwise rarely doable in live theatre or dance.

As the aficionados filed in for the shows, excitement and curiosity sounded in equal measure. Said Jaissy John, business developer for a leading cellphone manufacturer, and a contemporary dance student herself until ‘connecting people’ at work left her little time for the arts, “I used to be more of a regular at such events, but it’s been a while now… What makes contemporary dance interesting is that it’s like abstract art; it breaks away from the structures as defined in traditional forms.”

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The audience needs to rise above this centuries-old mentality of racism,

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However, football unlike any other sports promises huge returns. It’s the moolah that lures investors to organise the game ever year. The return that this game generates annually is probably much more than the economies of many developing nations. All the more reasons as to why so many developing countries want to plunge into this sport. The FIFA 2006, allowed Germany to engulf nothing less than €1 billion directly and generated more than €4-5 billion altogether.

As a game, football has undoubtedly played a prominent role in erasing many socio-economic boundaries. However, racism in Europe is not just not decreasing but on deep scrutiny, it seems to be just the converse. The audience needs to rise above this centuries-old mentality of racism, and then only the dream of Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Fashola, of using football to fight poverty and help mankind will get materialised.

Sray Agarwal

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, June 15, 2009


The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School


The approach road to Chail is along the Kalka-Shimla route and takes an hour-and-half by road. One could also take the toy train or fly directly to Shimla and then hit the road.


Lodging options vary from luxury hotels such as HPTDC’s Palace Hotel to budget hotels and cottages which are available at reasonable prices. Camping is a popular option too.


Chail is pleasant in summers, mesmerising in autumn and in winter, it is nothing short of a paradise.


The hill-folk prefer healthy food. Those fond of junk food like momos and samosas wouldn’t be disappointed either.


A visit to the Palace Hotel is a must. You’ll enjoy the magic it creates.


Hindi is spoken here. All you need is a pleasant personality to gel with the locals who are kind and fun loving at all times.


Colourful woollens, smart jackets, wooden show pieces and trendy walking sticks for the elderly, Chail has it all.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

IIPM: History, and Founder Director Dr. M.K. Chaudhuri
IIPM New Delhi, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management, India
IIPM Placements New Delhi, India
IIPM New Delhi India
IIPM MBA Institute India
IIPM - International
Business and Economy - India's Most Influential Business and ...
Rankings IIPM, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management India
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Indian Institute of Planning and Management: IIPM New Delhi, India
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Up above the world so high

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

There aren't many who believe that cupid can strike with just one look but this certainly was the case with Nusli Wadia, Chairman of Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Ltd and Managing Director of Britannia Industries Ltd. During one of his business trips, he had first seen his wife, Maureen Wadia in an Air India flight and was completely bowled over. But, it was certainly not the case with Maureen. Hailing from Allahabad, Maureen had been an ambition lass all her life. She was groomed to be a teacher but had also applied for the job of an air hostess with Air India, a career her parents opposed vehemently. Little did they know that their daughter would end up meeting her prince charming in one of the flights. After the flight ended, Nusli sent out a message to her for a meeting. But, Maureen dismissed the proposal on his face. However, fate brought them together again when Maureen was selected to model in one of the Bombay Dyeing's commercial. This time the duo met again and Nusli was able to woo his lady. As the love blossomed, the two tied the knot soon and were then bestowed with their first son - Ness and later on with Jehangir.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jagan Gurjar had a price of Rs 12 lakh on his head, and more than 70 heinous crimes to his name.

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

It is a terribly hard life, romanticised Hindi films showing bum swinging Helen dancing to “Mehebooba- mehebooba…” notwithstanding. And to say it is dangerous is a euphemism. And yet, in such terrifying circumstances blooms love. Jagan Gurjar had a price of Rs 12 lakh on his head, and more than 70 heinous crimes to his name. The four-and-a-half feet Komesh herself had jumped into the ravines to avenge the murder of her father, Chhitariya Gurjar of Dhaulpur district, Rajasthan. Jagan could have easily found another woman, for "among the third generation of Chambal dacoits, who no longer follow the glorious code of honour of Daku Man Singh, it is now normal for dacoits to abduct women for pleasure”, says ex-MLA Parshuram Bhadauriya, founder of the NGO Lok Chetna Manch. And yet, Jagan Gurjar surrendered.

The code of honour was established by Daku Man Singh, and it forbade touching women. It also forbade women in the gang, but then, had people stuck to it, there would have been no Putli Bai, no lilting Alha Udhal – the ballads sung for Chambal heroes. Or should it be put the other way round? Putli Bai would not have become the legend she is had she not been a fabulous singer of Alha Udhal. Goharbano, the Muslim lady from a poor family, had become an artist (singing and dancing) to keep the hearth burning. It could not be long before she would come to the notice of Daku Sultana. “He started frequently calling her. Soon, they were in love, despite Putli Bai – her professional name – knowing the dangers ahead,” Prof PVS Tomar, sociologist and expert on Chambal bandits told TSI. Sultana was killed in a police encounter in 1950, after which Putli became the sardar of the gang, and a complete terror. It was natural that many in her gang would propose to the dainty damsel who could sing and kill cops with equal alacrity. But Putli remained loyal to the memories of Sultana and stayed single till she was herself killed in 1956.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

IIPM: History, and Founder Director Dr. M.K. Chaudhuri
IIPM New Delhi, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management, India
IIPM Placements New Delhi, India
IIPM New Delhi India
IIPM MBA Institute India
IIPM - International
Business and Economy - India's Most Influential Business and ...
Rankings IIPM, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management India
Management Certification, IIPM India
(IIPM) Management Education Institute India
Indian Institute of Planning and Management: IIPM New Delhi, India
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IIPM awards four Bengali novelists
The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
IIPM ranked No.1 B-School in India, Management News - By ...
IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Young people came without any fanfare to my shop and silently bought those cards.

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

But the young are undeterred. Ask Samina, 19, who sits in a remote corner in a coffee shop in Srinagar with her boyfriend. “No one has the authority to impose his or her moral diktats on me. No one can curb my liberty and force me to think in a particular way,” she stresses. She says she purchased a Valentine’s Day card from a shop in Lal Chowk much earlier as she suspected that groups like Forum Against Social Evils (FASE) would prevent card sales.

Even the card sellers believe that the impact this year was minimal. “I have completely sold out all the Valentine’s Day cards I had. Young people came without any fanfare to my shop and silently bought those cards.

Obviously it means that these cards were being addressed to someone,” said a shopkeeper who preferred anonymity. Evidently, cupid has been caught in the crossfire of the clash of civilisations.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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