Thursday, June 25, 2009

Amazing, that India, which perfected the caste system and is plagued by Hindu-Muslim blood fests, is telling us we''''re too prejudiced?

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Prime Minister Rudd hurried into Parliament this week to reassure India we weren't racist at all: "Australia is a country of great diversity, harmony and tolerance." Premier John Brumby agreed, and offence at the charge of racism was taken on almost every talk-radio station in the country. Yet who can blame Indians for thinking this worst of us, and treating Rudd's denials as mere spin, when we've spent so much time telling the world we really are steeped in racism, right up to our red necks?

Only last year, Rudd himself announced we'd been so evilly racist that we'd even stolen Aboriginal children by the thousands just because they were black - a false claim cheered in every school despite the inability of "stolen generations" activists to name even 10 such "stolen" children. More nonsense, yet how keen our opinion makers have been to slander us as bigots on evidence just as bogus. So, after accusing ourselves of so much racism with so little reason, why should we now be surprised when Indians agree that - yes, indeed - we're as racist as we've always said? The difference is that this time we stand to lose billions of dollars from our trade in education services to India. Stupidity becomes too stupid to endure when it costs, and the fact is we really aren't so racist at all. Indeed, our problem may in part be the opposite. That so many Indian students are bashed and robbed can be largely explained by the kind of part-time jobs they tend to take, being hard workers - the late shifts in 7-Eleven stores, taxis and petrol stations, for instance.

Imagine how safe these students are when they then go home alone late at night, often walking or taking near-deserted trains back to the tough suburbs where the cheap rents are. How safe would your own children be? But some attacks aren't so easily explained away. Some, you might say, are "racist" in that Indians are famously peaceable - less likely to break the law and less likely to fight back when attacked by those who do. To thieves and thugs, they're soft targets. That said, other attacks, as Victoria Police now belatedly admit, are indeed no-mucking-about racist. But to whose shame are these racists, really?

True, video footage of the pack-attack on Sourabh Sharma on the train shows thugs of various ethnicities, including, it seems, the Anglo kind. But what police and many journalists refuse to confirm or even discuss is what victims and their spokesmen repeatedly say - that many of their attackers are Africans, Islanders and, less often, Asians who are newcomers themselves, beneficiaries of our eagerness to seem kind and tolerant.

Andrew Bolt

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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