Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Budgetary Sops and a Widows’ Army!

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Rupees two lakh crore in interim budgetary allocation for the rural sector. The game continues… more money for farmers, and more suicides… and a growing army of widows. TSI's satish chapparike trudges across Vidarbha for ground-truthing the trauma

“Farmers are the real heroes of India’s success story.” Thus spake India’s Finance Minister, interim, Pranab Mukherjee, at the interim budget speech on February 16, 2009, adoring the soldiers of India’s farm sector in the Parliament.

In the interim, however, on the same day and roughly the same time, 1,162 km away from the Capital, in the hinterland of Vidarbha, two of his 'real heroes’ huts were immersed in grief. Those huts in Tonglabad and Nandora villages stood as symbols of the agony of India’s agrarian sector, a theatre of the surreal of government largesse that never reaches the poor and policies meant to create an agrarian boom that busts families and only boosts the numbers of farmland suicides.

Kalavati, yes, Kalavati, the Vidarbha farmer’s widow who is leading an ‘army’ of one lakh farmland widows… Kalavati, the emblem of what ails our farmers, the abysmal story of lip service and the kiss of death, relentless, daily, across the country. On February 16, too, as and when Mukherjee was raving 'Jai Kisaan' in the Parliament, two new Kalavatis – freshly widowed – and their children sat helplessly in front of their huts – in two different Vidarbha villages – under the shadows of their beloved ones, now departed!

Earlier, when Mukherjee was busy scripting his speech on February 15, a day before the budget session, Ravindra Balakrishna Jalmaker and Krishna Haribabu Sathe, two of his ‘heroes’ from Vidarbha scripted their last acts. Crop failure, indebtedness, humiliation, distress… and then… a noose hanging from a tree or a bottle of endosulfan.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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