Wednesday, July 15, 2009

No houseboats, so Dull Lake

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It is a race against time. For houseboat owners in Srinagar’s Dal Lake, the race is to rescue this year’s summer tourism and thus their income. And for the Lakes and Waterways Development Authority – whose job is to provide technical support in setting up mini-sewage treatment plants (STPs), the challenge is to prove their efficiency.

The court had ruled that houseboats would not be allowed to operate unless they all have STPs, as untreated sewage has completely ruined the lake. The Authority accelerated its efforts after the court gave a temporary respite by modifying its February 26, 2009 order, which had come after a report was submitted by the State Pollution Control Board on January 31 this year, blaming the houseboats for pushing the scenic lake to near extinction. The Authority has now been directed to stop the sealing process for one week, but restricted the houseboats from conducting any commercial activities during that period. The court has also directed the houseboat owners to take measures to handle solid and liquid wastes as per the Authority’s guidelines before the deadline expires, failing which the sealing will resume.

"So far mini STPs have been installed in two houseboats," says Sabah-Ul-Solim, a senior scientist with the Authority. “Four companies have approached us with their models and we will be monitoring their efficiency, then chose the one that serves the purpose best.”

But the court says that the installations will have to be completed within a week, and here lies a major problem. “We can be sure of test results only when we test the STPs in full capacity. That will take at least one full tourist season,” says Sabah-Ul-Solim.

Testing time is not the only issue facing the restoration of the lake, one of Srinagar’s primary attractions. Raw sewage produced by lakhs of people flow into it from the western banks where land encroachment is on the rise. Wrong engineering and inept policy decisions by concerned authorities have in fact added to the pressure on the lake.

“A detailed project report by Roorkee University shows that houseboats were responsible for only three per cent of the lake’s pollution,” says Azim Tuman, chairman of the Houseboat Owners Association. He blames the Authority for neglecting his association’s advice while framing policies to prevent pollution.

“If the lake’s natural water system was not affected, it would be in a much better shape. There were several canals that flowed into the lake earlier, and connected it with rivers and other waterbodies. Almost all of them have been blocked,” he says. “The worst happened this year when authorities neglected our plea to allow the water level to recede during the winter. This stopped polluted water from flowing out and fresh water flowing in which would have helped the lake,” he held.

Zubair A Dar

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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