Thursday, July 16, 2009

The so-called return to religion is nothing but a kind of business of false hopes

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Spirituality - Hope in troubled times

My own experience says that modern religious resurgence is the outcome of material frustration, and has nothing to do with spiritual realisation. At the beginning of the modern industrial age, man was happy. He felt like he was on his way to fulfilling his cherished dream of finding total happiness in this world. But what happened was quite the opposite. The more material progress man made, the more he came to be beset by problems – broken homes, job uncertainties, industrial problems, global warming, recession, social tension and war-related problems. All these facts suggest that this so-called return to religion is nothing but a kind of business of false hopes. It is a negative pathway.

For instance, I once happened to meet a youth from Canada. At one point in our conversation, he told me that he had a good job and a nice home there. When I asked him why he left his country for India and was walking around barefoot in a khadi dress, he replied:

“There I was comfortable physically, here I am comfortable spiritually.” But after some time, I discovered that the young man had again descended into frustration. His newfound ‘spirituality’ was, alas, merely a new form of religion, and as I had all along anticipated, it proved to be a very temporary phase. What it gave him was not the inner peace but a false sense of fulfillment. This is because form can never be a substitute for the spirit.

And here is another very interesting story. In 1893, Swami Vivekananda visited Chicago. It is said that one day, as he was walking on some street wearing two untailored sheets of cloth, an American woman, seeing him in this dress, said to her husband, “I don’t think he is a gentleman.” On overhearing her remark, Swami Vivekananda approached the woman and said politely: “Excuse me madam, in your country the tailor makes a man a gentleman; but the country from where I come, it’s the character which makes him a gentleman.”

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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