Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Disturbing signals Srikant Purohit's and Major Ramesh Upadhayas in the armed forces?

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Did the army conduct an inquiry before handing over a serving officer to the police in the Malegaon case

Politics regarding the Malegaon bomb blast case is getting progressively complicated. With investigators increasing the scope of their inquiry into what is now turning out to be a ring of former servicemen in various guises acting as agent provocateurs, it would appear that the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) is seeking to place the onus of all blasts held in predominantly Muslim areas, on this shadowy group. Included in the ambit are Malegaon, Nanded in 2006, Samjhauta Express and the Hyderabad Mecca Mosque blasts of February and May 2007 and the Thane blasts of June 2008.

Which begs the critical question: Is there a rogue element within the defence services? Are there more Col. Srikant Purohit's and Major Ramesh Upadhayas in the armed forces? Is there a view in certain circles within the army that since the Indian state is not in a position to fight back, the least they can do is to inflict collateral damage on Muslims?

The history of bomb blasts would suggest that they can be manufactured with the deadly expertise, which only a trained military personnel can bring upon his job. For example, explosions became a norm in the Kashmir valley in late 1989 after the involvement of ISI and Pakistani army elements well versed in the art of sabotage and use of explosives.

The psycho-profile of Col. Purohit, the principal accused, is interesting. A soft spoken person, a perfect family man and someone blessed with great inter-personal skills, he had one oddity though: unlike the bulk of Indian military personnel who remain wholly apolitical, Purohit never minced words when it came to politics. He said what he had to, never mind the consequences.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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